Sunday 17 July 2011

Balik Kampung!!!!!

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera sume untuk kekawan aku yg baca blog ni....sekarang ni aku sdang bercuti mid-sem selama teringin la aku nk berkongsi pengalaman aku semasa blk ke kampung beberapa hari yang lalu....

Dimulakan cerita..jeng3...pada ptg jumaat aku terus bergegas menaiki bas utk ke KL sentral....pnye la jammm gler ptg tu...aku pun rse tension smcam jer bila tgk org tkan loceng nk turun...terasa cam nk 'sound' jer supaya dorg x turun....haha...melampau kan aku....aku sbenarnya nk kejar tren ERL ke salak tinggi pada pkul 4...namun nk wt cmner,,x smpat naiklah tren 4.30 ptg...lpas kakak aku jmput kat salak tinggi...ktaorang pun blk ke rumah cam bese....

Dipendekkan citer....keesokkannya, kakak aku & husband dye hantar la aku ke LCCT dlm 11.30 pg...(opsss...terlupa ckp, aku blk ngan flight kali ni..hehe)....selepas check-in aku terjumpa la seorang pelakon...iaitu..Rozita che wan...kalut smcam jer....dye pun jln laju smcm jer..nk amik gamba pun x smpat...Tapi semasa aku dah ade dlm flight, aku x perasan time aku tgah bace surat khabar, tetiba bau perfumw kuat semacam...pergghhh...skit hdung...aku tgk org sblah,,jap2 g amik gmbar org dpan aku...hmmm..plik jgak aku pun usha la "awek" kat dpan tu yg pkai perfume kuat gler....

 Then, terkjut aku melihat Rozita che wan di dpan aku tuhh....cun bebb...haha...ape lg...lpas mndarat di trg....aku trus amik gmbar ngan dye dlm flight tu...hehe...yess!!!...dpt gak lah antara pengalaman yg x dpt dlupakan...huhu...k la...smpi cni jer cter aku kali ni..lain kali aku update lg ok...bye2...tatatata.. (^_^)

Sunday 26 June 2011

Baju Raya????

Salam semua....dah lama aku menyepi kan... hujung minggu aku agak busy sket dengan kahadiran "tetamu-tetamu" yang tak disangka-sangka. uuiiisshhhh,,,, kelam kabut dibuatnya. Tapi mesti korang semua nk taw knape aku tulis baju raya kat atas tu kannnn????..haha...sebenarnya aku pergi beli baju raya dengan "tetamu-tetamu" aku beberapa hari lepas....persiapan kena dibuat awal2 memandangkan aku ni still student...of course la masa terhad sgt2....tetamu aku sebenarnya saudara Zul Hafizi & the geng dari terengganu semua......(terengganu di hatiku)...juga tak dilupakan kepada Nursuhaila(kak su) yang banyak membantu aku dalam memilih baju yang sesuai untuk badan aku yang "tough" ni...haha...

Tapi memang tak boleh dinafikan kepenatan yang melanda diri sewaktu shopping baju raya ni .....boleh tahan derr.....tukar tu,,tukar ni....macam model pun ade gak...tapi memang seronok keluar dengan kawan2 untuk beli baju raya...kepada Syafiq jordan & Aiman...anda sangat beb...Tapi aku rasa masa berlalu sangat pantas kalau kita buat2 x perasan gitu...kan2??? 3 hari yang penat tapi sangat seronok berlalu dengan pantas. Terima kasih kepada Zul Hafizi & Nursuhaila untuk baju yang dipilih....harap2 kita dapat hang-out macam ni pada masa akan datang.....SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!

(^_^) ...!!!!

Friday 3 June 2011

Bosan+Boring = ARgHHh...huhu

       Salam sume...harap2 korg baik & sihat......sudah seminggu aku start ngan klas bg sem, student cam ciput jer....ade yg x blk lg holiday....wahhh...hbat!!!!stakat ni...hmmm...plg rmai pun ade 5 org jer dlm klas aku....perhh!!!terbaik beb....n nk djdikan cter...aku duk la serumah ngan member aku....aku jmpe dye time nk tdo jer kot...coz...bese ngan awek la...ape lg kan....ishh2....

       Kadang2 aku rse can nk g klas setiap mse jer dek kbosanan ini...huhu(ble caye ke??...hehe) jgn la smpi x de rhat lansung kan...aku bkan robot...tkar bateri jer dah jd kuat blk....papepun...aku harap lpas ni...bile klas da sepenuhnye jln...., kbosanan aku akan smkin b'kurang......korang doakan la agarrrr aku happy slalu & dapat anugerah dekan utk semester ini......eaa....AMINNNN!!!!!!bye2...(^_^)

Thursday 2 June 2011


Even if the end is coming, I want to repeat these things
Even if they are not true, I'm now able to believe that there's a sense in what I believed

In this epoque, I turned away from this changing answer like from a poison
But I'm afraid that she disappears when I lose sight to her...

If this voice I'm playing with reaches you, I will attract you and pluck your heartstrings
Could you raise yourself for me, unable to sing, a little smile?

He stops and begins anew, I was enmeshed by this voice
And nevertheless, me, who was never brave enough to shut my ears
I was lost...without cease, without cease

Look, those gestures from which I can't separate, they became useless
The words that make me remember a past epoque...that constrains me

The recurring days scream out the lies, an idiot that doesn't recognize this
Now that the exchanged words would have told me one thing after the other...

(There, look)
This tear has stolen me the solitude and the friendliness
(There, again)
Nobody in front of me, the world seems quiet and it has stopped

If this voice I'm playing with reaches you, I will attract you and pluck your heartstrings
Could you raise yourself for me, unable to sing, the tiniest smile? 

Best Friend...(Kiroro)

I don't have to worry anymore, cause you will be by my side when I cry
You always smile at me
I am blessed because you always shine before me
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend
[ Lyrics from: ]
These plenty happiness that I felt at this moment
All the friends that I have here, you the best present
I am blessed because you always be by our side
Surely things that I have accomplished here, those things too give me strength (change to strength)
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
All of your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Always always always my Best Friend

Saturday 28 May 2011


Assalamualaikum sume....di kesempatan ini, aku nk ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kpd kwn2 yg menceriakan cuti semester aku yg x seberapa lama ni.....especially to "ABG MASRAN & E.G".....skrg aku kena ready utk semester 3 yg lbih mencabar....tidak lupa juga kpd sume kwn2 yg memories from all of you!!!! (^_^)